القائمة الرئيسية


Glucose determination tests: Random blood sugar, Fasting blood sugar and Post prandial blood sugar


Blood Glucose Determination Tests: Random blood sugar, Fasting blood sugar and Post prandial blood sugar

A. Blood glucose tests

       1. Random blood sugar(RBS)

The blood is collected at any time without prior preparation of the patient. Normal range of RBS is 70-140 mg/dl. In diabetes mellitus, the RBS is more than 200 mg/dl.

2. Fasting blood sugar(FBS).

The blood is collected after the patient  fasts for 8-12 hours or overnight. The normal range of FBS is 70-110 mg/dl. 
In diabetes mellitus, the FBS is more than 125 mg/dl.

3. Post- Prandial blood sugar(P P B S).

After the patient fasts for 8-12 hours, a meal is given. The blood is collected at end of 2 hours  eaxact after the ingestion of meal. 
If post-prandial blood sugar is more than 200 mg/dl, this indicates the patient is diabetes. 

B. Diagnostic significant for Blood Glucose Determination Tests

Blood glucose measurement is used for diagnosis of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia and management of diabetes mellitus.

C. Normal rang

            1. Fasting blood sugar(FBS)  70-110 mg/dL

FBS=110-125 mg/dl is impaired fasting glucose

FBS > 125 mg/dL is diabetes mellitus

2. Random blood sugar(RBS) and post prandial blood sugar(PPBS) 70-140 mg/dL

RBS and PPBS=140-200 mg/dL is called impaired glucose tolerance

RBS and PPBS = 200 or > 200 mg/dL is diabetes mellitus

D. Blood glucose concentration abnormalities

a) Hypoglycemia:

     1. Overdose of insulin

2. Insulin-secreting tumor(Insulinoma) of pancreas produces a severe hypoglycemia(Blood glucose may be completely absent).

3. Hepatic disease: Hypoglycemia occurs only when there is very extensive liver damage.

4. Glycogen storage diseases e.g. Von Gierke , s disease.

5. Endocrine diseases: Fasting blood glucose(FBS) may be reduced in Myxoedema, Cretinism and Addison’s disease.

6. Galactosemia: due to deficiency of galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase

7. Hereditary fructose intolerance: due to deficiency of aldolase B enzyme.

it is true blood glucose level below 40 mg/dL

b) Hyperglycemia

  1. Diabetes mellitus
  2. Adrenal cortical hyperactivity(Cushing’s syndrome
  3. Hyperactivity of pituitary (acromegaly).
  4. Hyperthyroidism
  5. Obesity
  6. Convulsions
  7. Pheochromocytoma
